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Slay the screen zombies with this fun, new approach to family fitness

“My kids are turning into zombies!”

It’s a frustration of many parents, as your kids zone out in front of their screens, grunt answers to your questions and resist attempts to bring them back into the real world.

The average American kid spends 4 hours and 44 minutes looking at screens every day -- and teens are spending even more time (7 hours and 22 minutes per day) in front of screens., according to a report by Common Sense. And this doesn’t even include time spent doing schoolwork!

Adding to the seemingly constant battle against the screens, you may—like millions of other parents—feel like you are in a constant struggle to bring your family together or find new, exciting ways to engage and connect with your kids.

National Black Belt Academy’s newest program brings families together and helps parents slay the screen zombie with family Taekwon-Do classes. In the class, kids (ages 4 and up) will have the opportunity to increase their strength, self-discipline and confidence as they advance through the ranks side-by-side with their parents. Students of all ages, skill, and fitness levels will be able to learn and grow together with exercises tailored to their abilities.

You’re probably already aware of the numerous benefits you receive from physical activity and exercise—not just better physical health, but also emotional benefits like self-confidence and elevated mood. But what you may not know is the research also tells us that exercising together as a family has numerous benefits!

Typically, when you work out, you may go to the gym in the early mornings before your kids are awake, or maybe you drop them off with a sitter or in-gym childcare center so you can get that workout routine. However, the experts say we should be incorporating our kids into our fitness activities so they can learn by our example!

As a parent, you are your child’s biggest role model. They are looking to you to see what they should be doing, and that includes exercise and fitness. When kids see their parents adopting healthy fitness habits, they are more likely to follow that pattern as well.

In addition to creating healthy, long-term patterns, participating in an activity together like Taekwon-Do provides a unique bonding experience for your family.You will cheer each other on, offer support as you each attempt to master different techniques and celebrate victories as new milestones are reached. And yes, there will probably be a bit of fun-spirited competition as well! Dull dinner conversations? No more! Everyone will be chattering and comparing notes about what they’re learning, new techniques they want to try and how they are progressing each week.

We don’t just want this to stop with Taekwon-Do, however. Our hope is that you will take the experiences you have at the Academy and build upon them with other activities, like family hikes or bike rides.

Your time is limited. Before, you might let your workouts fall off in favor of spending that time at home with your kids. Now, you don’t have to make that choice. Now, instead of dropping your kids with a sitter or waking up at an unholy hour to work out before the kids get up, sign up for family taekwondo classes with National Black Belt Academy and get fit together!

National Black Belt Academy is located in Conway, Arkansas, and classes are taught by Master Brice Bishop. Master Bishop is a Chief Master-8th Degree Black Belt who has practiced Taekwon-Do since 1978. He has taught and promoted Taekwon-Do in Arkansas and throughout the United States for more than 40 years.

Family Taekwon-Do classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30-6:15 p.m. and are open to parents and children ages 4 and up. We’ve specifically designed this program to accommodate all ages, fitness levels and amount of martial arts experience. National Black Belt Academy is a family-owned business operated by Master Bishop and his wife, Donna. The Academy is our second home, and we want this to be a fun, safe place for your family to learn and grow together as well.

Still not sure if family Taekwon-Do classes are the right fit for you and yours? We’ve got you covered! Your first two weeks of classes are FREE, with no contracts and no obligations. If you decide National Black Belt Academy isn’t the right fit for you after your first two weeks, you don’t owe us a dime.